What does AC/DC have to do with working out?

Today we are going to institute a little jedi mind trick into your workout.  This one thing, if used to your advantage, has the power to transform your workout performance.  It will give you a competitive advantage and free you to perform at a level you didn’t know was possible.  This tactic is so effective […]

You’re going to be tempted to do this

I got some bad news today. I visited the dermatologist this afternoon to have a spot removed on the back of my shoulder.  It was a routine preventative procedure. Nothing really to worry about.  Outpatient type thing with just a few stitches. Here I am on the “operating” table waiting to have the surgery: After […]

Whatever you do, don’t fear the beard

Every morning before I head out to hustle for the day I kiss Miss Lovely good bye.  Today was no different. I packed my bag, grabbed my power lunch and headed for the door where she was waiting for her daily smooch. I leaned in, laid one on her and was met with a not […]

Give Yourself a Break

Congrats on finishing day 1 of the Crush the Peachtree program!  WOOT!  Good job! Since you crushed it today, you get a REST DAY tomorrow.  Give those muscles a day of recovery before getting into the full program. Before we move on, will you do me a favor?  Let me know how it went. For […]

Peachtree Road Race Physical Fitness Test

Day 1 in the 8 week trek to getting ready for the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th. Are you ready to crush it?  Good, because it’s time for a fitness test. Do you remember the Presidential Physical Test you had to take back in middle school?  I absolutely hated it.  Public shaming in front […]

Top 10 Things to Do Right Now to Get Ready for the Peachtree

WRITE YOUR WHY Most people start trying to develop the running habit by going out on a Sunday or whenever it happens to be convenient.  This is dumb.  There is something more important than just getting out and running.  You HAVE to be 100% clear on this before starting to train (or you’ll just waste […]